Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I have been wanting to start blogging for a long time and have half started and stopped several times... so here goes, for real!!  My reasons for blogging are not that my life is so interesting, on the contrary, it is quite ordinary.  HOWEVER - there is nothing wrong with ordinary, in fact it is in other people sharing their "ordinary" lives and struggles that have been a huge inspiration for me!!  My other reasons are more "selfish"... I have been needing some additional motivation in many areas of my life and have always felt what better way to increase your motivation than to make yourself accountable to someone.  I hope you don't mind that someone is you! :)  But don't worry, not all my posts will be about my struggles... I'm sure a fair amount will simply be about life and my two beautiful little girls!! :)

1 comment :

Christine said...

New follower! I found you through my blogs refering sites, and your name caught my eye, I used to live in Moscow-gorgous country up there! My blog is kind of the same thing...following my ordinary life. I look forward to seeing more posts! From your fist fan-Chrsitine @ http://mysweetpotato3.blogspot.com