Friday, January 18, 2013

2013 Fitness "Goals"

What is the start to a new year if you don't at least think about some goals that you would like to work towards, right?  I realize I'm a little late to the game - but hey, it's still January!
  1. Half-marathon.  I want to race one. Period.  I need to get and keep my legs healthy.  My running speed has seen the benefit of my cross-training and I really feel that an 8:30 - 8:15 HMP  is achievable.  I would LOVE to accomplish that this spring!  The Windermere Half is May 19th.  I may look to see if I can find out in April or even late March though
  2. Bloomsday.  Another goal that I am starting to feel is reachable is a 1 hour or sub-1 hour 12K.  Bloomsday is a tough course with some hills, but it would be a great warm-up to the Windermere Half.
  3. Continue cross-training and building strength.  I've been doing a variety of programs most based on either high intensity intervals or cross-training or both.  I love how my body has changed and gotten stronger by adding this to my running.  This needs to be a consistent part of my fitness routine!
  4. Maintain. Maintain. Maintain.  I am finally back to pre-pregnancy weight.  Maybe not quite to pre-pregnancy size, but that's ok.  I've had three babies - it's not going to be the same!  I want to continue to be DISCIPLINED and build healthy habits so that maintaining my weight, fitness, and health is a part of my every day routine!
There you have it... short and sweet for 2013.  Now to work on my training plans to set myself up for success with #1 and #2!


Shelly said...

I really want to start running. I am not a runner. I am allowing myself until summer though before I start though so I can finish breast feeding. I am going to ask my hubby for an iPod for our anniversary. So come this summer I will need encouragement.

Kortni said...

I would love it if you wrote a post about your strength training. I see it on Daily Mile, but have no idea what half of it is. I definitely am a slacker in that area and know it would greatly help my running.

Mathias said...

Having a fitness plan is really a good way to start our year! You may have a short list, but if it has everything you need, it's all right. I think it's much advisable to have a short list because the longer list you have, the more you'll get tired or bored in doing the routines. Anyway, how's your progress? I hope you achieve your exact pre-pregnancy size. =)

..Mathias Michelakis..